Initiative to Help Elmer Write his Next Book Kicks Off

Elmer sharing his story with ICADS students
I know Elmer has touched so many of our lives with his story, his art, and his friendship. Trying to navigate the topic of poverty and it’s “day to day” reality is a consistently difficult conversation at ICADS and in groups of caring people. Elmer has written this letter as a petition for our help and the proposal for his next project. I believe that a project like this is worthwhile for so many reasons, and that some contributions from us can make a huge impact in not only Elmer’s life, but also in the lives of the people whose stories he will record and any future person that reads them. You can read the funding goals and translation to his letter further down too.
Hola, mi nombre es Elmer Rodríguez Campos y te conté mi historia en tu semestre de estudios en Costa Rica. También, quiero mencionar que escribí el libro Bajo el agrio sol, en el que trato algunos temas sobre pobreza extrema, discriminación, bullying, etc. 

En esta oportunidad, te presento el proyecto que quiero llevar a cabo. Se trata de escribir otro libro, basándome en entrevistas que haré a mi hermano Armando y otros amigos de la niñez. Investigaré que fue de sus vidas, hacia dónde emigraron en aquella época oscura, qué piensan de su pobreza, etc.

Cuento con el contacto de tres de mis amigos de la infancia y tienen disponibilidad de narrarte, a través de mi libro, sus historias. Con mi hermano Armando “el sabelotodo” se hace necesario empezar pronto, debido a su estado de salud muy cambiante en los últimos tiempos. Este es un proyecto muy interesante, que sin duda te ayudará a conocer un poco más acerca de la pobreza y la inmigración, contada por los que la vivieron.

Por eso te pido, en esta ocasión, un aporte económico mensual que esté a tu alcance, para trabajar este proyecto durante un año, el cual solo puedo realizar con tu financiamiento, ya que mi situación económica inestable no me permite dedicar el tiempo que merece a una investigación así.

Con tu aporte mensual, romperás el muro de la indiferencia y darás oportunidad de que hablen los discriminados.

—Elmer Rodríguez Campos

If we can raise $4000 dollars, that will cover Elmer’s expenses for a year of interviews, research, and writing for this project. Anything more will go to further the reach and depth of his work! I personally pledge to contribute, get all money raised to Elmer, and follow up on his progress in order to provide anyone interested with advanced texts and a final book if desired. If just 30 people that Elmer has impacted give $11 a month, we will reach his goal!

In conversations with Elmer, he felt that monthly contributions would best serve him. This is practical in many ways, but might have limitations to donors, so I would encourage you to think about how you might want to contribute for one year. The campaign will run for 8 weeks, and then ICADS will allocate the total to him monthly.

You can help by sharing the campaign to others! Forward this email or link the GoFundMe. We will keep you up to date with progress via the ICADS Facebook and Instagram.

A continuación, los detalles puntuales de cómo puedes hacer efectiva tu solidaridad mensual durante un año. Elemer wrote this pedge for us:

“Yes! I am interested in the topic that will be developed in the book, and I want to know more about those children who searched for their food in the trash. With my contribution, I will help Elmer research and write his book for a year, of which I would like to receive updates on.”

If you would like to contribute, we are receiving funds via GoFundMe, as well as Venmo and PayPal:


Send funds to @Abi-Flynn (ICADS’ Communications Director), with subject line “Elmer”


Thank you for your care and support!

B David
Assistant Director, ICADS
Support Elmer

Translation of Elmer’s Letter

Hello, my name is Elmer Rodriguez Campos, I told you my story during your time studying in Costa Rica. I wrote the book Bajo El Agrio Sol, in which I deal with some issues about extreme poverty, discrimination, bullying, etc. Today, I present to you a project that I want to carry out. It is writing another book, based on interviews that I will do with my brother Armando and other childhood friends. I will investigate what happened in their lives, where they immigrated to in that dark time, what they think of their poverty, etc.

I have already made contact with three of my childhood friends, and they are all eager to tell you, through my book, their stories. With my brother Armando, “the know-it-all” it is necessary to start soon, due to his very changing state of health in recent times. This is a very interesting project, which will undoubtedly help you to understand a little more about poverty and immigration, as told by those who experienced it.

That is why today I am asking you, on this occasion, for a monthly financial contribution that is within your reach, to work on this project for a year, which I can only do with funding, since my unstable economic situation does not allow me to dedicate the time that such research deserves. With your monthly contribution, you will break the wall of indifference and give the discriminated a chance to speak.


—Elmer Rodríguez Campos


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