How to Choose the Perfect Study Abroad Program

Esther Kang is an undergraduate student at Scripps College majoring in human biology on the pre-health track. Aside from her passions to improve access to healthcare and higher education, she collects and sells secondhand clothing online, as well as going to the beach at sunset. – She will be writing weekly blogs from her perspective […]

Making the most out of your time and opportunities

Time will probably fly by when you’re studying abroad.

One day, you’re settling into your classes and the area, and next thing you know, you’re saying your farewells to the those who shaped your experiences the most.

Sound familiar?

Celebrando a la profesora Carmen Hutchinson Miller y la publicación de su reciente libro

Professor Carmen Hutchinson Miller

Como cualquier estudiante de ICADS sabe, Carmen Hutchinson Miller es una de nuestras destacadas profesoras invitadas en Icads. Cada vez que ella nos visita nos plantea el reto de reflexionar, de manera crítica, acerca de los orígenes de la cultura afro en el contexto del reconocimiento de una Costa Rica multiétnica y pluricultural, y en ese ejercicio nos confronta con la cultura “vallecentralista” que en general e incluso de forma xenofóbica, hemos asumido los costarricenses. Este año ella publico un libro nuevo contemplando el mes de la afrodecendencia en Costa Rica con un enfoque en Marcus Garvey. Como ya saben el Día de la Persona Negra y la Cultura Afrocostarricense se celebra en 31 de agosto.

Choosing, Pursuing, and Reflecting on my Four-Week Summer Internship

¡Hola! It’s Esther again here to share more about my experience studying abroad in Costa Rica. Today, I’ll be talking all about my internship experience as a part of the Pitzer Costa Rica Summer Health program at ICADS, where I interned at one of the many public primary care clinics in Costa Rica!

Why Making Mistakes was the Best Decision I Made

¡Hola! It’s Esther again, here to share more about my experience studying abroad in Costa Rica. As a part of my short six-week summer program, I took two courses: Intensive Spanish and Sociology of Health and Health Care in Costa Rica. I also had the opportunity to intern at one of the many public primary care clinics where I shadowed a general practitioner who serves a patient population of 14,000 and sees an average of 32 patients a day.

ICADS Partner Spotlight:

ICADS and Pitzer College celebrate and reflect on 30 years of working together in Study Abroad!


A few weeks ago, ICADS received an email from an alumnus from 1993, which was only a few years into the existence of the program. Hearing a little about this once student’s experience and how ICADS changed the trajectory of their life rang familiar to us here, and we hope to celebrate that legacy and the mission that enables it.